COMOSYS has unique rebar placement capabilities that allow you to place reinforcement bars even into most complex concrete volumes with ease. Using these rebars, which are modeled completely in 3D, all kinds of reinforcement drawings are produced effortlessly, and most of the time automatically. Besides, as a bonus of 3D modeling, rebar template tables and quantity take-off tables are generated completely automatically.



As ever, reinforcement modeling module is designed in accordance with COMOSYS' general purpose modeling philosophy. This does not mean; however, that it is slow or hard to use. COMOSYS provides fast and specifically developed tools for placing reinforcement in frequently encountered or common structural members like beams, columns, stairs etc. These tools only require a few parameters to place rebars automatically.

3D modeling is also a necessity for Building Information Modeling (BIM). In the context of BIM, rebars can be exported into model visualization and reviewing software (such as VIMASYS) and can be checked against clashes and other project specification violations, or they can be associated with project tasks.

For more information on Formwork and Rebar Modeling module of COMOSYS please visit product page.